domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017


I really like English, and I'd love to deepen it more and perfect it, but there's still no motivation to do it. In itself I am quite curious and therefore, I am very curious in the language, in addition this languages open thousand doors, however, both at school and at university I happened the same, and that is that I do not feel that an interesting subject .
I find the subject of blogs very funny, I feel that it is a good option for despair and disappearance of many aspects of those who do not agree, but often it is exhausting, write a blog in English every week, and more to a person who does not handle the language. Also, you have to try too hard and I don't t know if there is another person read this, this may be (in part) in vain.
Definitely what English the most difficult to me is talking; if they speak to me, I understand almost 90% of the sentence, but when I try to express myself ... HORRIBLE! I practically speak "I Natalia, you who??" jajajajajaj and the only way to improve that aspect would be practicing, that is, speaking; however, It's embarrassed, because I know that my English is not the best!

Outside English class, the maximum of English I use, to tell the truth, is watch subtitled films and sometimes get ahead of what they will say, but more than that, I do not practice English, because I don't have the need to do it. But well, one day I learn English.

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017


This semester has been somewhat stressful, due to the amount and difficulty of the subjects, moreover, I still have the second rounds test and I already feel tired, I just want to rest and that the semester ends.
If I think about it, I would like the study plan to be better organized, that is, that the academic load is better distributed, due (as I said earlier) this semester, it has been very exhausting. Compared to the curriculum of previous years (we are new mesh), this semester was much more relaxed, however, many subjects were advanced, and that is where I disagree. The subjects that advance, caused a lot of workload, and therefore the study time, is excessive, my weekend is, generally, just studying.
Turning to another topic, but no less important, one can notice, that for undergraduate students, the academic facilities are the most basic, and when I refer to basic, I speak of old and neglected. My biggest complaint is due to the study and lunch spaces, since there are often no places to sit, and what to say, spaces covered with tables and chairs (imagine when it rains); there isn't for the amount of people in the faculty. 

I've toured other universities, and the comfort of the infrastructure, provides a favorable place for the performance of the race; however, in our faculty and personally, I do not like to spend more time than I should in the university, since there is no comfortable and quiet place to study.
In terms of technology and teaching, I do not have much to say; Some of our teachers have the willingness to teach, but as in any other place, there are others who care very little, whether you understood the subject or not, but well, that happens everywhere and people who do not like their work, There will always be.

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017


A few years ago we started going to the south of Chile, as we had according to friends and family it was a VERY nice place! In the first instance we went to "Licanray" which is approximately 9 hours from Santiago. However this holiday we plan to go a little further and get to know "Frutillar", which would take us two more hours of travel. And well, from there, able to go out to travel places that are further away (an exit for the day).
We will go as a family, until now we are 5 (my parents, my sister, my boyfriend and I), but like all vacations, it’s most likely that we will add 4 more (my sister's family). As we are many, it is often difficult to match so many holiday dates to be able to leave, so the date is still unclear.
Being there in the south, we will definitely go out to know the different places that the place gives us, such as the Teatro del Lago, Muelle Frutillar or Museo Colonial Alemán, etc. And what about me, some other activity that comes along the way.
We (as a family) are well organized, however many things we leave to chance and we let them just happen, that nature surprises us and ventures to the deepest. Regarding past holidays, nothing to say, each vacation is very different from the other and every time we had a better time!

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Blog 7: Pets

In 2009 I went to visit a friend who lived near me, to my surprise, in the next house were giving away puppies (I had always wanted one), I warned my mother and that day was when arrive my “Reina" (yes, that's what it's called). For me, it is the most beautiful beauty that could exist and since then I didn’t know what an animal could interact SO MUCH with a human and be so intelligent! When he wants water, he approaches the dishwasher and starts jumping, leaving more than clear what he wants. She’s a single caregiver; the most interesting thing is that it has different barking, and we know immediately if it is for a bird, another dog or a person approaching. I definitely don’t imagine life without it, it's my baby and it gives me a lot of joy just to see it.

Now .. about 1 week and a half came a new member to the family "Lucky", the rabbit! Jajajajajaj the most funny thing is that he came to my father's work; it was he who caught him and took him to the house. He’s a scared (or even imagined)! Every time he sees us, he stands still, pretending to make him the dead and swears that we don’t see him. However two days ago I came to watch him with a camera, while we "weren’t in the house” ... IS A CRAZY! It has us all deceived! It moves, stretches, eats, washes .. and despite sometimes we get tired (because having a rabbit carries many responsibilities), I would die the soul not having it, this guy in 1 week stole my heart.

martes, 17 de octubre de 2017


I believe that it’s always good to specialize in what one works/does, because the deepening of knowledge also allows a better service to those who need it in an area; so I find it extremely important after having a professional degree, at least doing some type of course or going to events. As well as to be aware of the new developments that hit the market.
It is difficult to think about what I would like to study in the future, if I nisiquera I feel determined in what I am going to dedicate (as I said in the blog last) regarding my work. However (I know it does not have much to do with my career), I would like to take a course of "Image consulting" abroad (I still do not decide well what country), which is never badly welcomed, because it is something so basic, like learn to dress so that you can go anywhere, and take it to work allows a better personal presentation.
I find a very good idea, for this type of case, to divide the time between work and study, since for the date, I would have my university degree and it would be me who would pay me this course "extra" therefore I need money.
I am a person to look to the future, but I setting goals a little close, therefore think of some postgraduate, is not yet in my plans, since I still have a lot of career ahead ... maybe in 6 years more will see me traveling by the world and studying "image consulting", who knows ..

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017


At this time, I feel that I am very hesitant in the work I would like to play. At first when I entered the race, I always imagined working in the area of ​​cosmetics, however now I also draw attention to the area of ​​care, pharmacy and industrial.
Now, I still follow my main option the first named .. Traveling for my job? A very present idea, I WOULD LOVE IT! In fact I would like to enter an international industry for the same, I know it is complex, but it is a goal; since I feel it is a good way to know the world and who knows, stay to live.
Also many times in Europe or the USA, they work with very current products or machinery, that is, to be at the forefront. The only problem I can find is animal testing, which I would not want to be a part of.
Specializing in the creation or quality management of cosmetics, so I think I would have to work inside an industry. Being possible to go out to some convention of beauty and trends, technology and new products to use, course, etc., which I also want to make it a goal. With a fair wage, and that allows me to save to be able to travel! Hahaha
If you ask me why enter the area of ​​beauty, it is because I have always been concerned about the personal presentation, also entertains me and casually my two sisters, also dedicate themselves to this area, obviously each in its own way.

domingo, 1 de octubre de 2017


Everything starts with a Friday 15 and the “Quimifonda”, from there, I knew that I was going to be well, the only one that I found at these parties was that the holidays were very short (in my opinion).
Now, let's begin, as I already said, in our faculty there was a kind of “fonda”, which I enjoyed with my friends, who, to tell the truth, were lost in a moment! Jajajajajaja Finally, everything quiet until the 18th, we went to the countryside to spend with the family of my brother-in-law; We ate “anticuchos, empanadas, pebre, mote con huesillo”, we dronk "terremotos" (typical drink of this date) and the most entertaining, we had fun with a couple of typical games of the festival! Throw the rope, the table calls, gimkana, etcetera, never imagined that everyone would dare to play! Hahahaha
For the 19th, with my friends we got together and went to the "Fonda del Nacional", there were MUCH people! In that place take advantage of eating me a ”empanada de pino”, a choripan and an anticucho hahaha but before all that, we dared to get up to electronic games like those of “Fantasilandia”... WE HAD SO good, we laughed too much and enjoyed every moment.

In short, it was an 18, very moving and entertaining. I took advantage of enjoying it with whoever I most loved and of course, eaten and danced, no one takes it from me! VIVA CHILE MIE...!

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

Blog 3: Favourite movie

Always I like all movies (except horror films), but especially if they are of action, psychological thriller or suspense. One of my favourite movie is called "Inception" by Christopher Nolan. Simply it's AWESOME, It's plot, special effects, the content it's extremely interesting, because they speak of dreams, and how to handle them.
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a fugitive thief that which specializes in infiltrating dreams to steal ideas, code to banks, etc. In a mission, Dom and his team (Ariadne, Arthur, Eames, Saito) are contracted by a company, leadered by Saito (a Japanese). The objective is to convince Robert Fischer, son of the owner of the rival corporation of Saito, to end the empire of his father, but unexpectedly the operation is detected by the victim, and the mission gets out of hand. 

You have to be pending all the time of the movie, because every details, little detail, it's important for the plot and the final. And best of all, is that it plays with your mind!
This movie is from 2010, but I think that I saw in 2011, and since that time I love it.

martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

Blog 2: The best concert ever

When I read the tittle of this blog, intermediately a moment came to my head. In November 2015 I was to my first concert of electronic music "Creamfields". It was in Espacio Riesco, yes.. in Ciudad Empresarial, quite far from where I live, but it was so my emotion, that there wasn't doubt that he had to go.
When I bought the ticket, I didn't know who was coming, that is to say, you buy "en verde", but for my surprise, CAME THE DJs I WANTED!! Nervo, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, DVBSS. The latter is a Canadian duo formed relatively recently (2012) for the brothers Chris and Alex Andree; his genre in the electronic music is EDM, occupying the post #24 by magazine DJmag.

That long awaited Friday arrived, it was night, many lights and just electronic music for enjoy. I was go with my friends, all of them over 18 years old, because this festival had this restriction. We passed it, SENSATIONAL! I still remember when I heard "Never Leave" and I got crazy jajaja. And although we enjoyed it to the fullest at night, it became very short.

martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

Blog 1: A country I would like to visit

Since I can remember, I would like visit many country, being my favorites: Australia and USA. Well, my uncle and his family live in Sydney and he told me that this place is amazing. Starting with security, that in my opinion is very important, because in Chile, when I walk the street, everyday I have to be worried for my things: my cellphone, wallet, whatever; and I don't feel secure, thinking that someday, somebody steal me or something worst.

Anyway, following with that interest us, this place are my next destination. In a beginning, I would like go to on vacation to visit to my family, and later I would like work or study to stay there, because my sister have the same idea, so I wouldn't live alone, although we have to talk it well.

In 2016 my two sisters visit USA without me😢 (I was in the university), and when they were there, they sent me many videos to the different amusement park, or locale that they visit. For me it was a torture, because I wanted be to have fun, learn or enjoy the wonderful place that the world has us ready.

jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Glass is an inert substance (which acts as a natural barrier against bacteria), hard, brittle, and amorphous made mostly from silica sand (SiO2), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and limestone (CaCO3), melted at high temperatures with borates or phosphates.
It's colour varies depending on the ingredients used in its manufacture, so it can be transparent, translucent or opaque.
Glass is a material that by it's characteristics is easily recoverable and classified according to it's colour, among the most common are transparent, green and blue.
Although the glass is made from relatively inexpensive raw materials, the extraction of the materials causes a significant impact on the landscape, however, recycling helps to reduce this problem. It should be mentioned that this material, like no other, can be recycled as many times as you like, without ever losing its properties.

In our case, almost entirely or most of the laboratory instruments are manufactured with this material and sometimes is used a special glass prepared to withstand high temperatures (Pyrex) or certain chemical aggression.
This substance is very interesting, has a broad content, has infinite applications and sometimes being so common, because wherever we go we see it and many times we do not know what is actually composed.

In my opinion, it's a very clean material compared to plastic, where is the last, can generate interactions with matters that contain it, in addition to delivering grater durability and freshness to the products by not being porous. Also have multiple uses, for example in jewelry (crystals), architecture, cars and until to appliances electronics.

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

The most enjoyable subject ...

If I put myself to think about the subject that I liked the most in the university was certainly "Laboratorio de Química General II" I have very good memories, I had a lot of fun. Together with my friends, we agreed to choose the same section, so we were all together, they were just practical works, although at the beginning of each class they gave us a little theoretical introduction.I have always liked being in the laboratory, since it is the best way to see chemical reactions, how they happen, what happens, etc ... and what better when you connect with what you already know. The most entertaining and interesting of that laboratory were the colors, textures and states of the different reactions; And the shapes that could have the crystals that we created in some cases.It was evaluated with reports and controls, that was when it became difficult, since we had to relate what was learned in class with what was seen in the laboratory, and although it was sometimes complex, we took it forward ... well, most of the we were there, approximately 100 people.

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

Person you admire

This men is my rolemodel, he is 57 years old, is a good father and he has a 3 beautiful daughters. Titled of Pharmacy in Universidad de Chile, to this day, he work playing his career, attending a pharmacy in the commune "El Bosque".
If you ask me why go study this career, this person is the reason, because he transmits me the passion he feels for his work and one day I wish I could help him. If I could explain us how I transferred the love of chemistry and the laboratories, he would know that is one of the most important people for me and I say it "Thanks you, because I love that I study today".

I I can explain everything he knows! He is a: gasfiter, mechanic, carpenter, sportsman, teacher, chemist, friend, etc.. It's a dictionary with legs. And despite being a little stubborn or bad fleas, he is the most valued that I have.
Thank you for everything you have taught me and thank you for being my dad!

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

A Photograph You Like

I don´t remember when the photo was taken, but every time I see it makes me travel through time and it brings me back good memories.
There are relatives who are no longer with us, my grandfather, the one I remember with a lot of love.
It was the first "selfie" that I met, and it was taken out by my older sister. In this photograph appear my parents, two sisters, grandparents and my cousin and apart from appearing all together, we are very happy.
Yes, the little girl dressed with a red vest, it's me! jajajaja

I think that I did a "puchero" like a funny face and theothers followed the game.

For me, it's a wonderful picture, because it explains the importance of the family and the happiness they provoke you. That photo conveys so many feelings that you can't imagine..
I present them to my greatest happiness...💓

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Music in My Life

Really, today I'm not inspired, but let's try...
Since reggeaton, going by rock, up to pop, today I will talk about music electronic. Yes, some people will say that this music don't have lyric, or it's flat, whatever, but no... And I'll show you why not.

 * 4 reason for listen electronic music♫:
1. Exist different ratings for this style of music, like tropical house, dubstep, future bass, deep house, EDM, etc.. And the latter if it has lyrics.
2. You can hear it at parties, in the bus, while you study or you bath yourself, wherever and whenever.
3. The electronic festival are AMAZING!
4. It's good to experience new styles of music. If you don't do it, you'll never know if you like this music.

Jajaja well, I'll return to the topics that I must address.. I like the sound of the guitar,
the violin, and the saxophone, and in my family, my brother in law play guitar, and nobody else is good with the instruments. He likes rock music, and when I was 13 year old I liked that music, but not anymore, because I found a better style of music. Anyway I hope I convinced you to hear electronic music...!♪♩

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

In this age, the technology is vital for all of us. We were born, we grew with it and in fact we use everyday. I would say that my favourite piece of technology is the smarthphone, and you ask me: "Why?" and I answer.. "Because I can do everything". Yes, anything! Since pay a account until speak with my Australian family through of a video call. It's very versatile and I need just 1 device, and the best thing is that it's portable! I don't need to be connect to a wall all day, and when I don't used it, I put it to load.
I remember that when I was 10 years, my mom gave me a special phone, it was too big, rough and weighed about 145g, that for my age was a lot, but I didn't care, because I had a phone! I didn't know how to use it, actually didn't work, but I used to play talk on the phone.
But well... From that moment it began the addiction for mobile and now I have a one, what makes me very happy! jajajaja😅

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Why did you study your career?

Really, I don't remember very well that I wanted to be, to the 8 years, when I grow up.. but I think that something related to artistic skating.
In high school, always it made me easy math, chemistry, biology, everything related with sciences. I didn't like language, history, because I found it boring, I wanted to investigate, discover, to know new thing... Something that was not present in Humanistic sciences.

From the beginning I knew my north, and with the time, I discoved what my father actually worked in, so I followed in his footstep, and I entered to Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, in the same university as his.
I love the career, because it's what I imagined, and when I listen the stories from my father, I travel to the past, and in the same time, I travel to my laboratories. It's a inexplicable feeling of affection and commitment.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Getting to know each other

My little boy 💗
Hi there! I'm Natalia Hernández, I'm 19 and I'm studying Chemical and Farmacy at Universidad de Chile. Today I'll talk about this little boy on the picture beside me, my boyfriend. He's Alonso and we're in a long long relationship since 2012. Like every couple, we went through some bad moments, but the most of the time, we spent a lot of time hangin out and having a lot of laugh with everything. This picture was in our vacations in Valparaiso, in fact that was in one of the most famous hills of this place, Cerro Alegre. With this travell I have to recognize that I like to keep travelling with him some differents places in the world, like Australia, EEUU, parts of the Europe, Brazil, etc.
See you around guys... BYE!😘