domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017


I really like English, and I'd love to deepen it more and perfect it, but there's still no motivation to do it. In itself I am quite curious and therefore, I am very curious in the language, in addition this languages open thousand doors, however, both at school and at university I happened the same, and that is that I do not feel that an interesting subject .
I find the subject of blogs very funny, I feel that it is a good option for despair and disappearance of many aspects of those who do not agree, but often it is exhausting, write a blog in English every week, and more to a person who does not handle the language. Also, you have to try too hard and I don't t know if there is another person read this, this may be (in part) in vain.
Definitely what English the most difficult to me is talking; if they speak to me, I understand almost 90% of the sentence, but when I try to express myself ... HORRIBLE! I practically speak "I Natalia, you who??" jajajajajaj and the only way to improve that aspect would be practicing, that is, speaking; however, It's embarrassed, because I know that my English is not the best!

Outside English class, the maximum of English I use, to tell the truth, is watch subtitled films and sometimes get ahead of what they will say, but more than that, I do not practice English, because I don't have the need to do it. But well, one day I learn English.

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017


This semester has been somewhat stressful, due to the amount and difficulty of the subjects, moreover, I still have the second rounds test and I already feel tired, I just want to rest and that the semester ends.
If I think about it, I would like the study plan to be better organized, that is, that the academic load is better distributed, due (as I said earlier) this semester, it has been very exhausting. Compared to the curriculum of previous years (we are new mesh), this semester was much more relaxed, however, many subjects were advanced, and that is where I disagree. The subjects that advance, caused a lot of workload, and therefore the study time, is excessive, my weekend is, generally, just studying.
Turning to another topic, but no less important, one can notice, that for undergraduate students, the academic facilities are the most basic, and when I refer to basic, I speak of old and neglected. My biggest complaint is due to the study and lunch spaces, since there are often no places to sit, and what to say, spaces covered with tables and chairs (imagine when it rains); there isn't for the amount of people in the faculty. 

I've toured other universities, and the comfort of the infrastructure, provides a favorable place for the performance of the race; however, in our faculty and personally, I do not like to spend more time than I should in the university, since there is no comfortable and quiet place to study.
In terms of technology and teaching, I do not have much to say; Some of our teachers have the willingness to teach, but as in any other place, there are others who care very little, whether you understood the subject or not, but well, that happens everywhere and people who do not like their work, There will always be.

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017


A few years ago we started going to the south of Chile, as we had according to friends and family it was a VERY nice place! In the first instance we went to "Licanray" which is approximately 9 hours from Santiago. However this holiday we plan to go a little further and get to know "Frutillar", which would take us two more hours of travel. And well, from there, able to go out to travel places that are further away (an exit for the day).
We will go as a family, until now we are 5 (my parents, my sister, my boyfriend and I), but like all vacations, it’s most likely that we will add 4 more (my sister's family). As we are many, it is often difficult to match so many holiday dates to be able to leave, so the date is still unclear.
Being there in the south, we will definitely go out to know the different places that the place gives us, such as the Teatro del Lago, Muelle Frutillar or Museo Colonial Alemán, etc. And what about me, some other activity that comes along the way.
We (as a family) are well organized, however many things we leave to chance and we let them just happen, that nature surprises us and ventures to the deepest. Regarding past holidays, nothing to say, each vacation is very different from the other and every time we had a better time!